They then select 3 of 10 salary options, and then get to choose the option they prefer($20,000 to $100,000.) A players job doesn't change gameplay much, but their are some spaces that if landed on require the player to pay another player that has the specified job on the space.

At the end of college the player is given the option of one of three randomly selected jobs that are visible to the player. If a player chooses to go to college they must traverse extra spaces. If the play skips college they select one of 3 buttons which selects them a random career, they are then given three random options for a salary anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000 in increments of $10,000. The Main difference between the two is how the player gets to choose their career. At the beginning of the game players have an option to either go to college or get a job. A turn begins by "spinning" the spinner The player than moves spaces according to the spun number (1-10). The Game of LIFE plays near identically to its cardboard and plastic predecessor. The Game of LIFE for the PC and PS1 is a virtual adaptation of the classic family board game.